Sapp & Sturgill, PLLC
attorneys at law

ADA Compliance Law
If you have a disability, the Americans with Disabilities Act
(1990) provides you with a broad set of protections from
discrimination in the workplace. It also requires private
businesses, including websites, to make accommodations
so that disabled patrons can have equal access to facilities.
Choosing the right law firm can make all the difference in discrimination cases. The ADA discrimination attorneys at Sapp & Sturgill are ready to fight by your side for the compensation and justice you deserve.
Compliance in Facilities
Achieving ADA compliance means following the federal government's compliance standards for both public entities and privately owned businesses. The ADA mandates an "affirmative duty" for businesses dealing with the public.
A common compliance standard is an access ramp that allows disabled individuals to enter a building. Businesses must also provide an accessible entrance, remove physical barriers inside the building, provide accessible parking and lavatories, consider the placement of goods on shelves, and a variety of other standards
Website Compliance
In 2010, the ADA released its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines; the list was updated in 2018.
The ADA expects websites to provided broad accommodations to disabled users, including the following:
Heightened screen contrast
Captions on videos and audio files
Low background audio
More legible font choices and sizes
If a business, restaurant, or other privately-owned facility's failure to be compliant with ADA regulations results in the injury of a person with a disability, it can also face a personal injury lawsuit. Because this area of the law is complex, with hundreds of compliance standards, individuals seeking damages should consult an experienced ADA lawyer to find out if the company may be liable.
Additional Resources:
ADA Compliance Directory:
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: